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Frequently Asked Questions
TVET Innovation week
01. Can we watch the event online?

Yes, the event will be streamed in ACTVET platforms, and a link will be shared to public to attend it live

02. Is the event open for public? How do we register to the event?

Yes, it is. The public can attend the event and can also attend the activities that are conducted in the schools.

03. How can I be a speaker in the event?

Apply online, or send your details on email. A speaker committee will assess and provide back the necessary feedback.

04. Can I be a volunteer in the event?

You can and you will be provided Fazzaa Volunteering hours.

05. Can students attend the event?

Yes, the event is open for public.

01. How can I complain?

Emailing the complaint to ACTVET Customer Service section:

Physically, visiting us in ACTVET during working hours preferably with prior appointment by calling us between Sunday to Thursday from 08:00 am to 16:00 pm on: 02-6132000
Or with contacting TAMM platform for government services at 800555

02. What are the cases that I can complain about?

Complaints are made against the provider of services which does not commit to the ACTVET regulations:

 Offering services that are not meeting specifications as agreed.
 The provider refuses to refund money due to inability to provide services as agreed.
 The provider is not committed to provided services.
 Instance of service provided not following ACTVET regulations
 Any related complaints within the scope of ACTVET

03. What are the procedures taken when I submit a complaint?

A complaint is submitted through any of the above-mentioned channels. ACTVET Care customer service calls the defendant to verify the complaint. The complainant receives a response within 2 working days. ACTVET tries to bring all the parties together and solve the problem amicably or within the jurisdiction of ACTVET as a regulator.

04. What are the requirements for filing a complaint?

Complainer’s Details. Complaint against (Service provider details / Services Complaint Details. Any supporting documents to back the complaint.

05. Whom can I ask if I have more queries?

For any queries regarding ACVET system: Send an email to care@actvet.gov.ae

You can also raise your claim through ACTVET Online Services. For live chat visit
during working hours from 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM to chat live with an ACTVET team member. You can reach us on Tel: +9712 613 2000 during working hours.

EmiratesSkills national competition
01. How Can I participate in the EmiratesSKills National Competition?

You must be:

 UAE National
 Age from 16 to 22 years
 Didn’t win a medal in the same skill in previous ESNC

To register please visit the web site:


02. I have participated before but I didn’t win, can I participate again?

Yes, you can participate in another skill or the same skill but you should not be a winner in that skill.

03. I have participated in EmiratesSkills National Competition before and I won a medal, can I participate again?

You can only participate in each category once, example if you won in Automobile Technology then you can’t participate Refrigeration and Air conditioning, since both are under the same category but you can participate in Artificial Intelligence since it’s related to Khalifa University only.

04. What are the Skills that I can compete in?

You can find the list of skills in the web site:


05. What are the prizes?

The prizes details can be found in the award section in:


06. When is the next EmiratesSkills National Competition?

Please visit the competition website:


07. Who should I contact if I have additional questions?

If you have any further questions, our Contact Centre will be happy to assist you on 026132000

Licensing and Accreditation
01. What are the activities that I can obtain license for?
02. What are the fees for the services provided?

New Training License AED 5500.
Renew the Training License with one activity AED 3000.
Renew the Training License with 2 activities AED 4000.
Renew the Training License with 3 activities AED 5000.
One change to the Training License AED 1000.
More than one change to the training License AED 2000.
Cancel the Training License AED 2000.
Obtain an approval to host a /trainer/lecturer AED 500.
Issue/renew “No Objection Certificate” to deliver Vocational Qualifications AED 5000.

03. What are the new inspection criteria?

You can find the inspection criteria in the web site:


04. What are the renewal inspection criteria?

You can find the inspection criteria in the web site:


05. What are the requirements for Training center premises?

Fit for purpose training facilities. Located in a commercial building or the mezzanine / commercial floor, and completely independent of any other business.

06. What are the requirements to have a new Training License?

Commercial/Free Zone License independent from other licenses.
Training Centre Academic Director with a bachelor’s degree and 3 years of experience in the training related activity as per their license.
Training facilities that are fit for the training purposes (cannot be in a business center or with other existing business).

07. What are the services provided by ACTVET Licensing Department?

Issue a Training License.
Renew Training License.
Change the Training License details.
1. Change location.
2. Change Name.
3. Change Owner / Partner.
4. Change the Academic Director.
5. Change Activity.
Cancel the Training License.
Approval to conduct a training course in a hotel. Approval to host a trainer/lecturer.
Approval to Advertise.
Issue/renew “No Objection Certificate” to deliver Vocational Qualifications.

08. What are the steps followed to obtain the License?

Submit the application via TAMM Portal.
Pay the applicable fees.
Obtain the training license

09. Who is eligible to obtain a No Objection Certificate (NOC) to deliver vocational Qualifications?

Licensed training centers with a score of 85% or more in the inspection report.

Note: If you believe you have the capacity to obtain the score of 85% or above in the inspection criteria, then you can apply for "Request Inspection". ACTVET will arrange accordingly.

10. What are the steps to be followed to offer a training course at one of the hotels in Abu Dhabi

Ensure that your trainer is approved by ACTVET (you will need to upload the trainer approval notification on their website)
To conduct training in one of Abu Dhabi hotels, please visit the Department of culture and Tourism website

Awarding Body
01. What is Abu Dhabi Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (ACTVET) role in TVET sector?

ACTVET is the Awarding Body of National Qualifications in Abu Dhabi . ACTVET team conducts external verification visits on all registered training providers to ensure the qualification delivery is up to the right NQC standards.

02. What is a National Qualifications?

A national qualification is a qualification issued by a Registered training provider RTP that is recognized within the QFEmirates and has been approved by the requisite accreditation/awarding body, confirming that an individual has achieved the specified learning outcomes; as aligned to the QFEmirates.

National Qualifications are made up of relevant national occupational standards (developed by industry and endorsed by VETAC) which represent the benchmark for competency required in a given occupation within an industry sector.

03. Can the learner submit a request to replace a National Qualification certificate?

Yes, this can be done by contacting the Recognized Training Provider (RTP) where the learner completed the National Qualification.

04. If the details are incorrect on a National Qualification certificate, what can be done to resolve this matter?

Contact the RTP that the National Qualification certificate was issued from. In turn, a request to the awarding body will be made by the RTP in order to correct the details.
This request must include the original certificate as well as the amendments needed, supported by a copy of the holders Emirates ID.

05. If a learner is not happy with their assessment, can he/she appeal?

The leaner can appeal against an assessment decision if he/she is not happy with the assessment decision. This appeal must be according to the Appeal Procedures within 30 days from the initial assessment decision.
Appeal policies and procedures are available at RTPs and these should be made clear to students at orientation day.

06. Can I use Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) for my qualification?

As per the NQC and Awarding Body policies, it is acceptable to use Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) against the requirements of National Qualifications.

RPL assesses this learning against the requirements of a qualification or award, in respect of both entry requirements and outcomes to be achieved. By removing the need for duplication of learning, RPL encourages an individual to continue upgrading their skills and knowledge through structured education and training towards formal qualifications and improved employment outcomes. Currency of evidence is typically up to five (5) years; however, it may vary due to the field of study.

07. How can I enroll in any of the NQC qualifications?

NQC qualifications are open to all learners as long as they satisfy the entry requirements of the qualification they are enrolling on.
Learners can register to any National Qualification through a valid Registered Training Provider (RTP). List of RTPs can be obtained from the Awarding Body or NQC.

08. Can I enroll on any endorsed National Qualification being delivered at any Registered Training Provider (RTP)?

Each RTP has its own approved list of qualifications. Learners can approach registered training providers to enrol on any specific qualification from the approved list.

09. How long does it take to complete a qualification?

Each qualification has multiple features, which affect the duration of the delivery i.e. level of the qualification, number of units, credit value and commitment of the learner. A qualification can take two months at Certificate level 2 and up to two years at Diploma level.

10. What happens if the RTP I am enrolled at closes?

The RTP must secure funds or a bond to cover the costs of compensating and/or transferring learners to other RTPs should registration be cancelled or the RTP, for whatever reason, ceases to operate.
The RTP must submit a deregistration request from the Awarding Body for all enrolled candidates and provide them with a transcript of completed units.

11. Can I change the RTP that I am studying at?

Yes, if a learner has achieved competency for units at their current RTP, then they will be provided with a transcript of their learning to support their transfer and to continue with their studies at another RTP.
If the learner did not achieve competency for any of the units, he/she can withdraw from their current RTP and register at another RTP.

12. Is NQC Certificate Level 4 Qualification equivalent to a High School Certificate?

NQC Certificate Level 4 Qualifications are not equivalent to a High School Certificates as they are from different streams, i.e. the Vocational Stream, and the General Education Stream.

13. How can an RTP change the geographic location?

Contact the relevant Awarding Body providing a new location map with GPS coordinates and arrange a site visit for approval of the RTP at the new location and arrange to amend any other details relating to your profile with the Awarding Body.

School Inspection
1. What is the purpose of inspection?

The United Arab Emirates Vision 2021 has education as its foundation. The purpose of the ACTVET inspection process is to contribute to that vision by evaluating the quality of school performance using the performance standards outlined in the UAE Inspection Framework. The ACTVET inspection process will support students’ outcomes and highlight and confirm good practice in schools.

2. What inspection standards will be used?

UAE inspection is based on a comprehensive framework of performance standards that define the essential aspects of a quality education. Each standard is broken down into specific indicators and elements, and detailed descriptors guide inspection judgements.

The six performance standards of the UAE Inspection Framework are:

1. Students’ achievement.
2. Students personal & social development and their innovation skills.
3. Teaching and assessment.
4. Curriculum.
5. The protection, care, guidance and support of students.
6. Leadership and management.

3. When will inspections occur and how should we prepare?

ACTVET can carry out ‘announced’, ‘unannounced’ and ‘follow-up’ inspections throughout the academic year.
An announced inspection will normally take place over 3 to 5 working days.
Unannounced inspections are usually completed within 2 working days.
For announced and follow-up inspections, ACTVET will provide formal notification to the school in advance.
The school may also be requested to complete and return an entity profile form and/or provide a copy of their most recent self-assessment report to ACTVET to support the inspection team.

4. During the inspection what will happen?

On the first day of inspection, the inspection team will meet with the school management to introduce the inspection team and to outline the inspection schedule for the day. The lead inspector will request that a copy of the following information is available at the start of the inspection:
A summary of the most recent self-evaluation report. The current improvement plan.
Teaching timetable and times for the school day.
A scheduled time to meet a focus group of students, parents, teachers and school staff.

During the course of the inspection, the inspection team will take a range of evidence into account when making judgments. This includes evidence of…
Students performance and tracking information. Students work and innovation.
Effective teaching.
Students personal development, satisfaction levels, and evidence of support and guidance for students.
Monitoring of teaching and learning and its link to teacher’s performance management.

5. What feedback is likely to be received during the inspection?

The inspectors will be available to offer feedback on lessons observed and incorporate it in the classroom Lesson Observation Form.

On the last day of inspection, a meeting will be conducted by the inspection team with school management to deliver main observations and recommendations, which provides an opportunity for professional discussion and clarification about recommended area of improvements

6. After the inspection what will happen?

Following the post-inspection meeting with the entity management team, the inspection team finalize the draft Inspection report. A final report is then forwarded to the entity to enable them to make a written response to the findings, and to include in its response an action plan for implementation of any report recommendations.

The final inspection report including the entities’ response, will be released to the Board of Trustees/Schools Directorate and then placed on the ACTVET Quality Assurance portal.

After a predetermined time period, the Entity will submit a follow-up report to ACTVET outlining their current progress on any recommendations included in the inspection report. The recommendations made in the original report will be used as a basis for any follow-up inspections to the Entity.

7. Is there a way to appeal an inspection judgement?

Any school/staff member affected by the Inspection process, may contact ACTVETs customer care service to submit the appeal, at care@actvet.gov.ae

A review of an inspection will lead to one of three possible outcomes:

o That the inspection report is upheld.
o That the inspection is regarded as not in keeping with the Code of Conduct for Inspectors outlined in the UAE Inspection Framework, and that the inspection report is amended and reissued.

That the inspection report is withdrawn and a further inspection or part inspection, as appropriate, is carried out by an inspection team other than the inspection team involved in the original inspection.

8. Where can I find out more about ACTVET Inspections?

Visit the ACTVET website at


1.What is FAZAA program?

It is a voluntary program launched by the Abu Dhabi Center for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (ACTVET), which works according to a specific mechanism to integrate young people into the active cultural movement in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi and throughout the United Arab Emirates.
They come to help in times of prosperity and adversity, which strengthens social cohesion. Usually, who offer help (FAZAA) has many qualities that are the main incentive for the volunteer process, including altruism, magnanimity, generosity and courage.

2.What are the objectives of FAZAA program?

 Build students’ loyalty, citizenship and lifelong learning skills.
 Prepare UAE nationals to take a positive active role in society
 Enable students to reach their full potential in a structured program which encourages personal growth as well as a sense of social awareness and responsibility.
 Establish work ethics, social values, internship participation and professional network for all students.

3.What is the Scope of Volunteer work in FAZAA program?

For the purposes of the FAZAA program, voluntary work can take place in any of the following contexts:

 At governmental or public, non-profit agencies
 At national events
 On internal and external campus initiatives.

4.Who is the targeted segment in FAZAA

All Emirati Male Female students in schools, institutes, colleges and universities of the United Arab Emirates.

5.What are the requirements of applying for FAZAA program?

 The applicant must be a UAE national student holding a family book.
 The applicant must be 16 years and above.

6.Who should I contact if I have additional questions?

If you have any further questions, our Contact Centre will be happy to assist you on 026132000

Health and fitness fun festival

It’s a festival that brings together health and fitness enthusiasts, medical experts, chiefs, fitness clubs, organizations and businesses focused on healthy living and nutrition to promote health and fitness awareness and knowledge while having fun.
For a full month, the diverse UAE communities are invited to participate in a full immersion of free fitness and fun activities as well as health and nutrition awareness across the UAE in schools, shopping malls, public leisure areas and at ADNEC. Each year, the Festival tackles a different theme in every edition in terms of ideas, activities, events and participants.

2.Who can attend HEALTH AND FITNESS FUN FESTIVAL and how much is the entry fee ?

The festival is open to everyone, participation is free for visitors and exhibitors.

3.What are the objectives of HEALTH AND FITNESS FUN FESTIVAL?

 Alignment with Abu Dhabi Plan to strengthen and promote the participation of the UAE nationals in the health sector
 Promote for the Health Science programs offered at Fatima College of Health Sciences and encourage students’ enrolment in the health education sector as a career choice.
 Encourage UAE Nationals to contribute and participate in the healthy activities designed for all ages and fitness levels
 Promoting health awareness to the public community
 brings together health and fitness enthusiasts, medical experts, chiefs, fitness clubs, organizations and businesses focused on healthy living and nutrition to promote health and fitness awareness and knowledge

4.How can I take part In health and Fitness Fun Festival?

If you don’t want to be a just visitor. There are two ways in which you can participate you can get involved as Exhibitor or a Sponsor

You can apply & register through the website


5.Where does the event take place?

Actually, Health and Fitness Fun Festival take place across the UAE.
 The main event 4 days of compact activities at ADNEC
 Malls Campaign (Fatima College of Health Sciences) in Abu Dhabi, Al Ain and Ajman
 Walk Around UAE
 HFFF Run Abu Dhabi
 Cycling Night Abu Dhabi
 HFFF activities in Al Ain 2-3 days

6.Who should I contact if I have additional questions?

If you have any further questions, our Contact Centre will be happy to assist you on 026132000

Skills4Life program
1.What is S4L Program?

Skills4life offers you an exciting program in more than 20 different professional areas: robotics, micro-controllers, aviation, jewelry, fashion design, photography, web design, and much more.

2.What are the goals of the S4L Program?

 To encourage students to form social relationship and make new friends in a highly supportive environment in which education through recreation is emphasized.
 To instill the lifelong values of teamwork and individual responsibility in daily tasks in a healthy environment.
 To build individual character, confidence and skills through a wide range of sports, workshops and cultural activities.
 To approach and experience each and every day as a new and exciting adventure.
 To enroll more students in vocational and technical programs and institutions.

3.What is the target group to register in the S4L Program?

UAE students from 6th grade till 12th Grade.

4.Where is the S4L Program held?

At ATHS all over the UAE (Abu Dhabi, Al Dhafra, Al Ain, Dubai, Sharjah, Ajman, Umm Al Quwain, Ras Al Khaimah, Fujairah).

For more information, please visit:

5.Are there any registration fees?

No, registration is free.

6.Program duration (day - time)

Sunday to Thursday, from 09:00AM to 02:00PM

7.Will I receive a certificate of participation at the end of the program?

Yes, attendance and participation are required for the five-day program period.

8.What are the required documents required to register in the S4L Program?

 Filling out the official application form via S4L website. Please note that, parental consent is required when filling out the form.

 A copy of the Emirates ID and a copy of a valid passport, in addition to a personal photo and a copy of the latest school certificate, must be provided to verify the school stage.

9.How can I register in the Skills4Life Program?

To register please visit:

Yes2Work program
1.What is the YEStoWork program?

Abu Dhabi Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (ACTVET) launched the YEStoWork Program to reinforce Emirati youth employability in the private sector and create opportunities for lifelong learning with the support of its strategic partners from the private sector.

YEStoWork Program targets passionate Emiratis who are eager to learn and develop their intrapersonal skills and contribute to success of achieving our Leaders’ vision.

YEStoWork Program provides participating students with a unique and rewarding opportunity to experience a real work environment and acquire specific knowledge by attending a course in retail services and operations.

2.Why should I participate in YEStoWork program?

Participating in YEStoWork will help you preparing for the real working environment in the future.
As the program gives you the actual working experience and realities that would refine your personality and develop your skills and your ability to choose appropriate specialization in the future.
In addition, the sales services certificate authorized by the National Qualifications Authority is a perfect addition to your resume, and reflects the reality of the experience gained through the initiative at all levels and can be adopted as similar experience in all areas.

3.What are the objectives of the YEStoWork program?

 Build the capacity of skilled Emirati youth with the sense of responsibility towards the nation.
 Inclusion of UAE national talents in the private sector’s market place.
 Encourage young Emiratis to start their own business. Enhance young Emirati's skills in marketing and promotions.
 Create awareness of product evaluation through working in leading retail stores.
 Ensure continuity of business in the retail sector through empowering, young Emiratis to fill the vacancies in retail sector.
 Qualify young Emiratis with accredited certificates in retail services and operations from National Qualification Center (NQC)


Qualification of “YEStoWork” program is obtained upon successful completion of the four staggered levels. At the end of each level, participants will receive a sub-certificate or a supporting certificate, depending on their level of achievement as outlined below:

 Secondary certificate at level (2) in safe control of merchandise inventory and promotion
 Secondary certificate at level (2) in retail products
 Certificate of support at level (1) in the professional planning of retail trade
 Certificate of support at level (2) in retail trade services
 Certificate of support at level (2) in controlling and promoting stock of goods
 Certificate of Support at Level (2) in Communication and Retail Trade

Once all four stages are successfully completed, participants will qualify to obtain the second level certificate in retail operations.

5.What are the requirements of applying for the YEStoWork program?

 The applicant must be a UAE national holding a family book or Mother-national.
 Good English language skills.
 For the additional requirements please visit the website : www.yestowork.ae

6.How can I apply to the YEStoWork program?

You can apply by submitting your application through the website: www.yestowork.ae

World skills –Asia organization
1.What is WorldSkills Asia?

WorldSkills Asia is an international body and a movement promoting the ideals of quality skilled work and vocational education and training including the recognition of skilled professionals across Asian region.
The organization aims to increase awareness on the importance of professional excellence and high-quality vocational education program at Asian level.

We envisioned to make a better world through the power of professional excellence and shows the value of skills for personal advancement and economic growth and stability.

2.Who are the Members of WorldSkills Asia?

Members of WorldSkills Asia are countries within the Asian region represented by two delegates (Official and a Technical Delegate) who are Heads or Officers responsible for promoting technical and vocational education and training in their respective region.
The official and technical delegates are duly appointed at the Member Country’s discretion who must be selected to actively contribute in their respective roles and responsibilities for WorldSkills Asia.

3.What we do?

 Promoting Skills
 Skills Competitions
 Education and Training
 International Cooperation

4.When is the Worldskills Asia Competition?

WorldSkills Asia happening every two years (odd)

For more information, please contact us through:
