About Us

About Us

Abu Dhabi Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (ACTVET)

​The A​bu Dha​bi Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (ACTVET) aims to re​gulate the Technical and ​Vocational Education and Training sector in Abu Dhabi to develop human resourc​es for effective participation in the country's sustainable ​​de​velopment.

The centre diligently seeks to provide a work environment that enables educational and training ​institutions to graduate Emirati cadres possessing innovative skills and knowledge to engage in the labor market, thereby contributing to enhancing the competitive capabilities of various economic sectors, in pursuit of achieving the Abu Dhabi Vision 2030.​


The centre also oversees the Institute of ​Applied Technology and the Abu Dhabi Vocational Educational and Training Institute to ensure the delivery of the best accredited educational and training programs. This is aimed at providing professional qualifications aligned with the current and future requirements of the job market.

Addit​ionally, ACTVET organizes numerous regional and international events and initiatives along​side both the public and private sectors. This endeavors to enhance the quality of technical and vocational education and training in the country.​​​​​​​​

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